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Javascript Subtract(-) Keycode

ok, i need my code to check if minus/subtract/- was pressed, if it was pressed i want an alert box to pop. i tried with both 109 and 189 key codes but i still don't get the desired

Solution 1:

The JavaScript charCodes, which you test for during a keypress event, are ASCII. 109 is the correct keyCode, if used in a keydown or keyup event.

"-" has a charCode of 45.

Solution 2:

1.event.keyCode = 109 is '-' on numpad

2.event.keyCode = 189 is'-' in alphabate keybord key on chrome

3.event.keyCode= 173 is '-' in alphabate keybord key on firefox & on chrome 173 keycord is Mute On|Off

Solution 3:

Don't do this in a keydown event handler - you put yourself at the mercy of different browsers' ideas about key codes and potential variation between key codes for different keyboard types. Do it in a keypress event and then you can get the character code instead, which is what you actually want.

document.onkeypress = function(evt) {
    evt = evt || window.event;
    var charCode = evt.which || evt.keyCode;
    var charStr = String.fromCharCode(charCode);
    if (charStr == "-") {

All the information you could ever need about JavaScript key events:

Solution 4:

Solution 5:

Post some code. This works for me:

document.onkeydown = function (e) {
    if (e.keyCode === 109 || e.keyCode === 189) {
        alert('minus sign pressed');

Full list of key codes here:

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