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Get Background Image Url From Img Tag And Create New Img Tag With That Url

i have this
i want to take this(background) url and create new img tag with src='backgrou

Solution 1:

try this one

var img = $('#img').css('background-image');;
	imgURL = img.replace('url("','').replace('")','');
	img = imgURL;
	$('.data').html('<img src='+img+' width="100" height="100">');	

Solution 2:

Try below code:-

var img   = document.querySelector('img');

	// Get the background image stylevar style = img.currentStyle || window.getComputedStyle(img, false);
	var bi    = style.backgroundImage.slice(4, -1);
        // create a new imagevar newImage = document.createElement("IMG");

	// Replace string double quotes
	newImage.src = bi.replace(/^"|"$/g, '');;
        // append image inside div to current image as it next sibling 
        img.parentNode.insertBefore(newImage, img.nextSibling);

        // Remove old image
<divclass="data"><imgsrc="#"style="width:300px;height:250px;background-image: url('')"/></div>

Solution 3:

with height and width attribute

remove height and width attribute

I Change little Change in your coding and its working very well. you check this link jsFiddle. i was done by change some in your code. maybe its helpful for you

    $(function() {

       var img = $('#img').css('background-image');;

          imgURL = img.replace('url("','').replace('")','');
          img = imgURL;


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