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Jquery Event For User Pressing Enter In A Textbox?

Is there any event in Jquery that's triggered only if the user hits the enter button in a textbox? Or any plugin that can be added to include this? If not, how would I write a quic

Solution 1:

You can wire up your own custom event

   //do stuff here
    if(e.keyCode == 13)

Solution 2:

   $('#textbox').on('keypress', function (e) {
         if(e.which === 13){

            //Disable textbox to prevent multiple submit
            $(this).attr("disabled", "disabled");

            //Do Stuff, submit, etc..//Enable the textbox again if needed.

Solution 3:

Here is a plugin for you: (Fiddle:

$.fn.pressEnter = function(fn) {  

    returnthis.each(function() {  
        $(this).bind('enterPress', fn);
            if(e.keyCode == 13)

//use it:

Solution 4:

heres a jquery plugin to do that

(function($) {
    $.fn.onEnter = function(func) {
        this.bind('keypress', function(e) {
            if (e.keyCode == 13) func.apply(this, [e]);    

to use it, include the code and set it up like this:

$( function () {
    $("input").onEnter( function() {
        $(this).val("Enter key pressed");                

jsfiddle of it here

Solution 5:

It should be well noted that the use of live() in jQuery has been deprecated since version 1.7 and has been removed in jQuery 1.9. Instead, the use of on() is recommended.

I would highly suggest the following methodology for binding, as it solves the following potential challenges:

  1. By binding the event onto document.body and passing $selector as the second argument to on(), elements can be attached, detached, added or removed from the DOM without needing to deal with re-binding or double-binding events. This is because the event is attached to document.body rather than $selector directly, which means $selector can be added, removed and added again and will never load the event bound to it.
  2. By calling off() before on(), this script can live either within within the main body of the page, or within the body of an AJAX call, without having to worry about accidentally double-binding events.
  3. By wrapping the script within $(function() {...}), this script can again be loaded by either the main body of the page, or within the body of an AJAX call. $(document).ready() does not get fired for AJAX requests, while $(function() {...}) does.

Here is an example:

<!DOCTYPE html><head><scriptsrc="//"></script><scripttype="text/javascript">
      $(function() {
        var $selector = $('textarea');

        // Prevent double-binding// (only a potential issue if script is loaded through AJAX)
        $(document.body).off('keyup', $selector);

        // Bind to keyup events on the $selector.
        $(document.body).on('keyup', $selector, function(event) {
          if(event.keyCode == 13) { // 13 = Enter Keyalert('enter key pressed.');

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