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.split() Not Working As Expected In Ie8

I'm using the following to extract variables from a URL contained in a variable. It works fine in modern browsers but in IE8 it fails on the first variable but succeeds on the sec

Solution 1:

Do you need to use split here? Can you not just use match:

var h = p.match(/height=([0-9]+)/)[1];

As browsers have some bugs using split with a regex If you do need to use split with a regex cross browser you could look at xregexp which is a library that fixes regexs across browsers.

Solution 2:

Use p.match(regex) instead:

/* Get Height */var h = p.match(/height=([0-9]+)/);
h = h[1];
if (!h) {h = 500};

/* Get Width */var w = p.match(/width=([0-9]+)/);
w = w[1];
if (!w) {w = 800};

Solution 3:

There have been some valid responses, but you may be interested in a function I use to retrieve GET parameters from URLs.

var get = function (name, url) { // Retrieves a specified HTTP GET parameter. Returns null if not found.
    url = (typeof (url) === "undefined" ? window.location.href : url);

    var regex = newRegExp("[?&]" + name + "=([^&#]*)");
    var results = regex.exec(url);
    var output = (results ? results[1] : null);

    return output;

You could use it like this.

var url = '';

var h = get("height",url);
var w = get("width",url);

Solution 4:

There is a normalisation script which should fix the inconcistencies you are seeing.

Solution 5:

You can find both dimensions with a match or exec expression:

var p = '';

var siz=p.match(/((height|width)=)(\d+)/g);


/*  returned value: (Array)
height=400, width=300

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