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Laravel - Javascript Work In Jsfiddle But Not In Blade

I am trying to build a form and output its values in JSON format which I intend to shoot off to my controller. I am using this script in JSFiddle and it works fine but not inside m

Solution 1:

Can you change app.blade.php to this code

<!DOCTYPE html><htmllang="{{ app()->getLocale() }}"><head><metacharset="utf-8"><metahttp-equiv="X-UA-Compatible"content="IE=edge"><metaname="viewport"content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1"><!-- CSRF Token --><metaname="csrf-token"content="{{ csrf_token() }}"><title>{{ config('', 'Laravel') }}</title><!-- Styles --><linkhref="{{ asset('css/app.css') }}"rel="stylesheet"><linkrel="stylesheet"href=""></head><body><divid="app"><navclass="navbar navbar-default navbar-static-top"><divclass="container"><divclass="navbar-header"><!-- Collapsed Hamburger --><buttontype="button"class="navbar-toggle collapsed"data-toggle="collapse"data-target="#app-navbar-collapse"><spanclass="sr-only">Toggle Navigation</span><spanclass="icon-bar"></span><spanclass="icon-bar"></span><spanclass="icon-bar"></span></button><!-- Branding Image --><aclass="navbar-brand"href="{{ url('/') }}">
                        {{ config('', 'Laravel') }}
                    </a></div><divclass="collapse navbar-collapse"id="app-navbar-collapse"><!-- Left Side Of Navbar --><ulclass="nav navbar-nav">
                        <li><ahref="{{ route('leads') }}">Leads</a></li>
                    </ul><!-- Right Side Of Navbar --><ulclass="nav navbar-nav navbar-right"><!-- Authentication Links -->
                            <li><ahref="{{ route('login') }}">Login</a></li><li><ahref="{{ route('register') }}">Register</a></li>
                                    {{ Auth::user()->name }} <spanclass="caret"></span></a><ulclass="dropdown-menu"role="menu"><li><ahref="{{ route('logout') }}"onclick="event.preventDefault();
                                        </a><formid="logout-form"action="{{ route('logout') }}"method="POST"style="display: none;">
                                            {{ csrf_field() }}

    </div><!-- Scripts --><scriptsrc=""></script><scriptsrc=""></script><scriptsrc="{{ asset('js/app.js') }}"></script>

And in your blade section you can add jQuery

'use strict';

 * Checks that an element has a non-empty `name` and `value` property.
 * @param  {Element} element  the element to check
 * @return {Bool}             true if the element is an input, false if not
 */var isValidElement = functionisValidElement(element) {
  return && element.value;

 * Checks if an element’s value can be saved (e.g. not an unselected checkbox).
 * @param  {Element} element  the element to check
 * @return {Boolean}          true if the value should be added, false if not
 */var isValidValue = functionisValidValue(element) {
  return !['checkbox', 'radio'].includes(element.type) || element.checked;

 * Checks if an input is a checkbox, because checkboxes allow multiple values.
 * @param  {Element} element  the element to check
 * @return {Boolean}          true if the element is a checkbox, false if not
 */var isCheckbox = functionisCheckbox(element) {
  return element.type === 'checkbox';

 * Checks if an input is a `select` with the `multiple` attribute.
 * @param  {Element} element  the element to check
 * @return {Boolean}          true if the element is a multiselect, false if not
 */var isMultiSelect = functionisMultiSelect(element) {
  return element.options && element.multiple;

 * Retrieves the selected options from a multi-select as an array.
 * @param  {HTMLOptionsCollection} options  the options for the select
 * @return {Array}                          an array of selected option values
 */var getSelectValues = functiongetSelectValues(options) {
  return [], function (values, option) {
    return option.selected ? values.concat(option.value) : values;
  }, []);

 * A more verbose implementation of `formToJSON()` to explain how it works.
 * NOTE: This function is unused, and is only here for the purpose of explaining how
 * reducing form elements works.
 * @param  {HTMLFormControlsCollection} elements  the form elements
 * @return {Object}                               form data as an object literal
 */var formToJSON_deconstructed = functionformToJSON_deconstructed(elements) {

  // This is the function that is called on each element of the array.var reducerFunction = functionreducerFunction(data, element) {

    // Add the current field to the object.
    data[] = element.value;

    // For the demo only: show each step in the reducer’s progress.console.log(JSON.stringify(data));

    return data;

  // This is used as the initial value of `data` in `reducerFunction()`.var reducerInitialValue = {};

  // To help visualize what happens, log the inital value, which we know is `{}`.console.log('Initial `data` value:', JSON.stringify(reducerInitialValue));

  // Now we reduce by `call`-ing `Array.prototype.reduce()` on `elements`.var formData = [], reducerFunction, reducerInitialValue);

  // The result is then returned for use elsewhere.return formData;

 * Retrieves input data from a form and returns it as a JSON object.
 * @param  {HTMLFormControlsCollection} elements  the form elements
 * @return {Object}                               form data as an object literal
 */var formToJSON = functionformToJSON(elements) {
  return [], function (data, element) {

    // Make sure the element has the required properties and should be added.if (isValidElement(element) && isValidValue(element)) {

       * Some fields allow for more than one value, so we need to check if this
       * is one of those fields and, if so, store the values as an array.
       */if (isCheckbox(element)) {
        data[] = (data[] || []).concat(element.value);
      } elseif (isMultiSelect(element)) {
        data[] = getSelectValues(element);
      } else {
        data[] = element.value;

    return data;
  }, {});

 * A handler function to prevent default submission and run our custom script.
 * @param  {Event} event  the submit event triggered by the user
 * @return {void}
 */var handleFormSubmit = functionhandleFormSubmit(event) {

  // Stop the form from submitting since we’re handling that with AJAX.

  // Call our function to get the form data.var data = formToJSON(form.elements);

  // Demo only: print the form data onscreen as a formatted JSON object.var dataContainer = document.getElementsByClassName('results__display')[0];

  // Use `JSON.stringify()` to make the output valid, human-readable JSON.
  dataContainer.textContent = JSON.stringify(data, null, "  ");

  // ...this is where we’d actually do something with the form data...

 * This is where things actually get started. We find the form element using
 * its class name, then attach the `handleFormSubmit()` function to the 
 * `submit` event.
 */var form = document.getElementsByClassName('contact-form')[0];
form.addEventListener('submit', handleFormSubmit);


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