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Jquery Date Rule Not Working In Firefox And Ie

I have rendered the normal text with jquery date rule. The date rule working fine in chrome but not working in the Firefox and IE . please see my code block.

Solution 1:

The documentation you've linked to says this:

This method should not be used, since it relies on the new Date constructor, which behaves very differently across browsers and locales. Use dateISO instead or one of the locale specific methods (in localizations/ and additional-methods.js).

My emphasis.

Solution 2:

This issue is due to the date parsing behavior difference between the browsers. You can see the below.


new Date("92/12/2015") - Invalid Date


new Date("92/12/2015") - Date {Sun Jun 07 1998 00:00:00 GMT+0530 (India Standard Time)}

The date rule will only check for format based on inputted date value and hence the validation succeeded in FF.

So as @SomekidwithHTML proposed you can use the dateIso which will check the date against ISO date standards or implement your our custom validation as per your need.

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