Immutable, Why Does My Nested Object Using Fromjs Are Not Immutable When I Use Reselect
I have a bug with immutablejs and reselect. I have the following redux store in my reactjs application : /* * The reducer takes care of our data * Using actions, we can change o
Solution 1:
I cannot really explain why your example is not working for you... reselect
code shows there is no magic for Immutable.js structure.
This code works for me perfectly (notice I removed one level of "factoring" selectors, so there is no selector = () => (state) => ...
anymore; to be honest I can't say it's the root of your problem, but it's not necessary code neither):
const { createSelector } = require('reselect');
const { fromJS } = require('immutable');
const initialState = fromJS({
login: {
formState: {
username: 'dka',
password: '',
success: false,
error: false,
isCurrentlySending: false,
constselectLogin = (state) => state.get('login');
const selectFormState = createSelector(
(loginState) => loginState.get('formState')
const selectUsername = createSelector(
(formState) => formState.get('username')
Solution 2:
how did you set newFormState payload in action creator changeForm
return state
.set('formState', action.newFormState);
check if action.newFormState is a plain object? if so you should explicitly set the selected fields.
// ..return state.setIn(['formState', 'username'], action.newFormState.username)
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