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Multiple Time Slots For Week Days Using Reactjs

If anyone can help me to optimize the following code. I am trying to create a registration page where users can select their time availability for selected days. Users have option

Solution 1:

To reduce redundancy you can look at what code is repeated and think of it more abstractly.

For example, the following code abstractly copies the entries for a day, removes an element, and updates state with new array for that day

// handle click event of the Remove buttonconsthandleRemoveClickForMonday = (index) => {
  const list = [...monday];
  list.splice(index, 1);

Now that you can abstractly operate on any day, think of a data structure that lends itself to looking up a specific day to operate on, like a map. In javascript it is common to use an object ({}) as a map of key-value pairs.

Convert state to object with day keys

const [days, setDays] = useState({
  monday: [{ FROM: "", TO: "" }],
  tuesday: [{ FROM: "", TO: "" }],
  wednesday: [{ FROM: "", TO: "" }],
  thursday: [{ FROM: "", TO: "" }],
  friday: [{ FROM: "", TO: "" }],
  saturday: [{ FROM: "", TO: "" }],
  sunday: [{ FROM: "", TO: "" }],

Update mounting effect hook (probably room for improvement here as well since just initializing data really; I didn't dig in on what the AVAILABILITY_XXX's were)

useEffect(() => {
  if (AVAILABILITY_MONDAY.length > 0)
    setDays((days) => ({

  if (AVAILABILITY_TUESDAY.length > 0)
    setDays((days) => ({

  // etc for each day of the week
}, []);

Convert submit handler to access new state shape

constonSubmit = (data) => {
  const e = {
    target: {
      value: days.monday
  const f = {
    target: {
      value: days.tuesday
  // etc for each daysetForm(e);
  // etc;

Convert handlers to take a day key

// handle input changeconsthandleInputChangeForDay = (e, day, index) => {
  const { name, value } =;
  const list = [...days[day]];
  list[index][name] = value;
  setDays((days) => ({
    [day]: list

// handle click event of the Remove buttonconsthandleRemoveClickForDay = (day, index) => {
  const list = [...days[day]];
  list.splice(index, 1);
  setDays((days) => ({
    [day]: list

// handle click event of the Add buttonconsthandleAddClickForDay = (day) => () => {
  setDays((days) => ({
    [day]: [...days[day], { FROM: "", TO: "" }]

Create an array of key-value pairs from state and map each day

{Object.entries(days).map(([dayKey, day]) => {
  return, i) => {
    return (
        Day: {dayKey}
        <selectname="FROM"value={x.FROM}onChange={(e) => handleInputChangeForDay(e, dayKey, i)}
        </select>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<selectname="TO"value={x.TO}onChange={(e) => handleInputChangeForDay(e, dayKey, i)}
          placeholder="select your Institute"
        </select><divstyle={{textAlign: "left", width: "84%" }}>
          {day.length !== 1 && (
            <labelas="a"onClick={() => handleRemoveClickForDay(dayKey, i)}
              style={{ marginRight: "10px" }}

          {day.length - 1 === i && (
            <buttontype="button"as="a"onClick={handleAddClickForDay(dayKey)}style={{marginRight: "10px" }}

Edit optimize-react-codes-for-time-availabilty-based-on-week-day

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