How Can I Limit Function-(slot Play) Just For 5 Turn - With Do/while Loop
I wanna create a slot machine with 3 number by javascript - but I want to finish my function when three numbers are equal. I think that if I write it with do/while it will be work,
Solution 1:
Adding to comment, if you want to run function for no of times then just use a counter variable to check no of attempts:
Added a reset button to reset the game.
var counter = 0;
functionmyF() {
if (counter != 5) {
document.getElementById("slotLeft").innerHTML = "Try count: " + counter;
var slotOne = Math.floor(Math.random() * 3) + 1;
var slotTwo = Math.floor(Math.random() * 3) + 1;
var slotThree = Math.floor(Math.random() * 3) + 1;
document.getElementById("slotOne").innerHTML = slotOne;
document.getElementById("slotTwo").innerHTML = slotTwo;
document.getElementById("slotThree").innerHTML = slotThree;
if (slotOne == slotTwo && slotTwo == slotThree) {
document.getElementById("slotOne").style.backgroundColor = "#48bd48";
document.getElementById("slotTwo").style.backgroundColor = "#48bd48";
document.getElementById("slotThree").style.backgroundColor = "#48bd48";
counter = 5; // Edited this line
} else {
console.log('Game over');
counter = 0;
document.getElementById("slotOne").innerHTML = "";
document.getElementById("slotTwo").innerHTML = "";
document.getElementById("slotThree").innerHTML = "";
<buttononclick="myF()">Check</button><buttononclick="myF1()">Restart Game</button><divid="slotLeft"></div><divid="slotOne"></div><divid="slotTwo"></div><divid="slotThree"></div><divid="winner"></div>
Solution 2:
functionmyF() {
var slotOneElem = document.getElementById("slotOne");
var slotTwoElem = document.getElementById("slotTwo");
var slotThreeElem = document.getElementById("slotThree");
var generateRand = function() {
returnMath.floor(Math.random() * 3) + 1;
return (function () {
var slotOne = generateRand();
var slotTwo = generateRand();
var slotThree = generateRand();
slotOneElem.innerHTML = slotOne;
slotTwoElem.innerHTML = slotTwo;
slotThreeElem.innerHTML = slotThree;
if (slotOne === slotTwo && slotTwo === slotThree) { = "#48bd48"; = "#48bd48"; = "#48bd48";
// Here is the winreturntrue;
var finished = myF();
while (!finished) {
finished = myF();
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