How To Validate Array Length With Io-ts?
I am working on an io-ts validation where I would like to validate the list length (it has to be between min and max). I am wondering if there's a way to achieve this behavior sinc
Solution 1:
Your definition is missing the typing and the codec for the array. You could make this work with a few modifications on the interface definition and extending the branded type with a codec:
interface IMinMaxArray<T> extendsArray<T> {
readonly minMaxArray: unique symbol
const minMaxArray = <C extends t.Mixed>(min: number, max: number, a: C) => t.brand(
(n: Array<C>): n is t.Branded<Array<C>, IMinMaxArray<C>> => min < n.length && n.length < max,
Now you can create a definition like
minMaxArray(3,5, t.number)
If you want the definition to be more generic and composable, you could write a generic branded type that accepts a predicate:
interface RestrictedArray<T> extendsArray<T> {
readonly restrictedArray: unique symbol
const restrictedArray = <C>(predicate: Refinement<C[], ArrayOfLength<C>>) => <C extends t.Mixed>(a: C) => t.brand(
t.array(a), // a codec representing the type to be refined
(n): n is t.Branded<C[], RestrictedArray<C>> => predicate(n), // a custom type guard using the build-in helper `Branded`'restrictedArray'// the name must match the readonly field in the brand
interface IRestrictedArrayPredicate<C extends t.Mixed> {
(array: C[]): array is ArrayOfLength<C>
Now you can define your restrictions. It's probably a good idea to define min and max separately, since they can be useful on their own too:
const minArray = <C extends t.Mixed>(min: number)
=>restrictedArray(<IRestrictedArrayPredicate<C>>((array) => array.length >= min));
const maxArray = <C extends t.Mixed>(max: number)
=>restrictedArray(<IRestrictedArrayPredicate<C>>((array) => array.length <= max));
And combining these two you can define minMaxArray:
exportconst minMaxArray = <C extends t.Mixed>(min: number, max: number, a: C) => t.intersection([minArray(min)(a), maxArray(max)(a)])
Hope this helps.
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