Replace Subdomain Name With Other Subdomain Using Javascript?
I'm trying to replace the subdomain name from '' to '', using JavaScript Any idea how to achieve this?
Solution 1:
I'm assuming that you want to change a string in the generic format
. This regexp should do it in JavaScript:
var oldPath = "";
var newPath = oldPath.replace(/^[^.]*/, 'mobile')
Solution 2:
This should work in normal cases:
"".replace(/(:\/\/\w+\.)/, "://mobile.")
Use following to add an extra level of validation:
functionreplaceSubdomain(url, toSubdomain) {
const replace = "://" + toSubdomain + ".";
// Prepend http://if (!/^\w*:\/\//.test(url)) {
url = "http://" + url;
// Check if we got a subdomain in urlif (url.match(/\.\w*\b/g).length > 1) {
return url.replace(/(:\/\/\w+\.)/, replace)
return url.replace(/:\/\/(\w*\.)/, `${replace}$1`)
console.log(replaceSubdomain("", "mobile"));
console.log(replaceSubdomain("", "mobile"));
console.log(replaceSubdomain("", "mobile"));
console.log(replaceSubdomain("", "mobile"));
console.log(replaceSubdomain("", "mobile"));
Solution 3:
In reference to FixMaker's comment on his answer:
window.location.href will give you a fully qualified URL (e.g. You'll need to take into account the http:// prefix when running the above code
A suitable regular expression to handle the request scheme (http/https) is as follows:
functionreplaceSubdomain(url, subdomain){
return url.replace(/^(https?:\/\/)(www\.)?([^.])*/, `$1$2${subdomain}`);
let url1 = '';
let url2 = '';
console.log(replaceSubdomain(url1, 'foobar'));
console.log(replaceSubdomain(url2, 'foobar'));
Solution 4:
If you want to send user to new url via JS - use document.location = ""
Solution 5:
You cannot replace a subdomain. You can redirect using javascript.
window.location = ""
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