Ngmodel.$parsers Ingore Whitespace At The End Of Ng-model Value
I have directive like this: .directive('noWhitespace', ['$parse', function($parse) { return { restrict: 'A', require: 'ngModel', link: function (scope, elem
Solution 1:
Try this in your template:
That should solve the issue of ng-model not updating when you enter empty space.
EDIT: Derp, the attribute goes in the input element not in the div ...
Solution 2:
This is the expected behavior of model parsers in angular, the idea being that if the entered text is incorrect (has whitespace in the end), the ngModel
should return undefined
. When you think about it, why would you save a value to ngModel
anyway if it's not correct according to your validations?
This is the relevant bit:
if (viewValue.match(/\s/)) {
ngModel.$setValidity('whitespace', false);
You are setting validity to false and returning undefined
You can keep the model updated even if its value isn't validated by just returning viewValue
if (viewValue.match(/\s/))
ngModel.$setValidity('whitespace', false);
ngModel.$setValidity('whitespace', true);
// Return viewvalue regardless of whether it validates or notreturn viewValue;
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