How To Stop The Wordpress Audio Playlist From Playing The Next Soundtracks Automatically
Solution 1:
I did it using the following script, add this to your (child) theme functions.php:
add_action( 'wp_footer', function () {
<script>jQuery(function ($) {
$('.mejs-mediaelement video').on('ended', function (e) {
Solution 2:
soderlind's code works for audio too but you do need to tweak it before adding it to your functions file. Change
$('.mejs-mediaelement video')
$('.mejs-mediaelement audio')
Solution 3:
If you have not found an answer to this, and feel comfortable modifying source files you could edit the 'ended' event on the file you point out.
The is the one that changes to the next song. The this.index=0 returns to the start of the playlist.
To stop the player to jump to the next song on it's own, comment the instruction.
Solution 4:
Need to make changes based on your requirements into this file: wordpress\wp-includes\js\mediaelement\wp-playlist.min.js
Below is updated code for video playlist and scenarios are
-> After completion of the first video it goes to next video but autoplay off
-> On the change of video from the list, video src changed in the player but autoplay off
-> In case of video changed from the list while playing another one, video src will be changed but autoplay off
! function(a, b, c) {
"use strict";
function d() {
a(".wp-playlist:not(:has(.mejs-container))").each(function() {
new e({
el: this
window.wp = window.wp || {};
var e = c.View.extend({
initialize: function(d) {
this.index = 0, this.settings = {}, = d.metadata || a.parseJSON(this.$("script.wp-playlist-script").html()), this.playerNode = this.$(, this.tracks = new c.Collection(, this.current = this.tracks.first(), "audio" === && (this.currentTemplate = wp.template("wp-playlist-current-item"), this.currentNode = this.$(".wp-playlist-current-item")), this.renderCurrent(), && (this.itemTemplate = wp.template("wp-playlist-item"), this.playingClass = "wp-playlist-playing", this.renderTracks()), this.playerNode.attr("src", this.current.get("src")), b.bindAll(this, "bindPlayer", "bindResetPlayer", "setPlayer", "ended", "clickTrack"), b.isUndefined(window._wpmejsSettings) || (this.settings = b.clone(_wpmejsSettings)), this.settings.success = this.bindPlayer, this.setPlayer()
bindPlayer: function(a) {
this.mejs = a, this.mejs.addEventListener("ended", this.ended)
bindResetPlayer: function(a) {
this.bindPlayer(a), this.playCurrentSrc()
setPlayer: function(a) {
this.player && (this.player.pause(), this.player.remove(), this.playerNode = this.$(, a && (this.playerNode.attr("src", this.current.get("src")), this.settings.success = this.bindResetPlayer), this.player = new MediaElementPlayer(this.playerNode.get(0), this.settings)
playCurrentSrc: function() {
this.renderCurrent(), this.mejs.setSrc(this.playerNode.attr("src")), this.mejs.load(),
playnextSrc: function() {
this.renderCurrent(), this.mejs.setSrc(this.playerNode.attr("src")), this.mejs.load()
renderCurrent: function() {
var a, b = "wp-includes/images/media/video.png";
"video" === ? ( && this.current.get("image") && -1 === this.current.get("image").src.indexOf(b) && this.playerNode.attr("poster", this.current.get("image").src), a = this.current.get("dimensions").resized, this.playerNode.attr(a)) : ( || this.current.set("image", !1), this.currentNode.html(this.currentTemplate(this.current.toJSON())))
renderTracks: function() {
var b = this,
c = 1,
d = a('<div class="wp-playlist-tracks"></div>');
this.tracks.each(function(a) { || a.set("image", !1), a.set("artists",, a.set("index", !! && c), d.append(b.itemTemplate(a.toJSON())), c += 1
}), this.$el.append(d), this.$(".wp-playlist-item").eq(0).addClass(this.playingClass)
events: {
"click .wp-playlist-item": "clickTrack",
"click .wp-playlist-next": "next",
"click .wp-playlist-prev": "prev"
clickTrack: function(a) {
a.preventDefault(), this.index = this.$(".wp-playlist-item").index(a.currentTarget), this.setCurrent()
ended: function() {
if ( this.index + 1 < this.tracks.length ) {;
} else {
this.index = 0;
next: function() {
this.index = this.index + 1 >= this.tracks.length ? 0 : this.index + 1, this.setCurrent()
prev: function() {
this.index = this.index - 1 < 0 ? this.tracks.length - 1 : this.index - 1, this.setCurrent()
loadCurrent: function() {
var a = this.playerNode.attr("src") && this.playerNode.attr("src").split(".").pop(),
b = this.current.get("src").split(".").pop();
this.mejs && this.mejs.pause(), a !== b ? this.setPlayer(!0) : (this.playerNode.attr("src", this.current.get("src")), this.playnextSrc())
setCurrent: function() {
this.current =, && this.$(".wp-playlist-item").removeClass(this.playingClass).eq(this.index).addClass(this.playingClass), this.loadCurrent()
window.wp.playlist = {
initialize: d
}, a(document).ready(d), window.WPPlaylistView = e}(jQuery, _, Backbone);
Yes, Code is in beautified mode... :)
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