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How Do I Return The Coordinates Of My Selected Polygon?

I'm using google-maps-react to render an array with several polygons on a map. When I click on a polygon, I would like it to return all the coordinates for that selected polygon. C

Solution 1:

I saw that you reduced your data.coordinates json into auxCoords. What you can do is to push it into an array, then use this array to map those paths from auxCoords to a <Polygon/>. Here's how I achieved this:

  1. Pushing the reduced json data in an array
import data from"./data.json";
const dataArray = [];

let auxCoords = {
  auxCoords: data.coordinates.reduce(
    (a, [c]) => a.concat([[lat, lng]) => ({ lat, lng }))]),
  1. Inside the <Map/>, you will see that I enclosed the <Polygon/> in the {, key) => ()}. This is mapping each polygon path arrays from the auxCoords. In this case, it individually creates a <Polygon/> object which you can access the path and properties of each shape. Also, notice the onClick, onMouseover and onMouseout parameters inside the <Polygon/>. Luckily, these events are supported by [google-maps-react`](
return (
          style={{height: "100%", position: "relative", width: "100%" }}
          {, key) => (
  1. Then here are the functions that I called in the above events. In the onClick, I get the path using the props. In the onPolyHover, I get the path from polygon using the method getPaths then used setOptions to change the fillColor when you hover on an individual polygon. In the onPolyHoverOut, I changed back the fillColor to the original fillColor.
onPolyClick = (props,polygon, e) => {

  onPolyHover = (props, polygon, e) => {
    polygon.setOptions({ fillColor: "#ff00ff" });

  onPolyHoverOut = (props, polygon, e) => {

    polygon.setOptions({ fillColor: "#0000FF" });

See this working code. Note: use your API key to make the code work.

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