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Writing Data In Service Worker To Cloud Firestore

I'm working on a Firebase project and I want to receive firebase cloud messages (send from a Node.js server) in my service worker in my javascript project. This works fine, but now

Solution 1:

You can't use XMLHttpRequest inside of a service worker. Instead, you need to use the Fetch API.

Based on your code, it's the Firebase client library that's using XMLHttpRequest under the hood. I don't think that you have any control over that (at least not based on what I see in the current JavaScript documentation for Firebase).

Instead of using the Firebase client library in your service worker, you could try using the REST API directly, using fetch() to send your HTTP requests. You'll be responsible for things like authentication and setting whatever user ids, etc. that the client library would otherwise handle for you, but I think that's your best bet inside of a service worker.

Solution 2:

Since version 9 the Firebase Web SDK uses fetch instead of XMLHttpRequest. So it works inside a service worker.

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