Insert Specific Firebase Database Values To Table React Redux
I have firebase database that looks like this: firebase database I want to insert specific values from that database (adress, city, owner) into table that looks like this: table f
Solution 1:
When you say:
So how can I get access to specific property(like address or owner)? When I try it says just undefined, probably because it is rendered before there is some data in the props... Also, when I make single key as a global variable in the console and then try temp1.adress, I get wanted, correct value: "Adress2"
based on the log you showed on the image, I am quite sure that is because your
is an object with keys like -LJNHbYR...XtZr (a hash basically) so to access the address or the owner you would have to access it like[< hash_value >].address[< hash_value >].owner
And since you are using < DataRow /> inside a map loop it would be great if you'd show us how is implemented this component
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