Javascript: Increment Count By 5 For A Variable Inside A SetInterval() Function
I'm trying to use Google Analytics events to track time spent on site more accurately (without relying on delta time between visits to another page on site). I'm using setInterval(
Solution 1:
var count = 0;
// increment "count" by 5 each time setInterval is run
count+=5; //is this what you need?
ga('send', 'event', 'time', 'tracking', 'seconds', count);
}, 5000);
Solution 2:
Is this what your looking for?
var count = 0;
count = count + 5;
// increment "count" by 5 each time setInterval is run
ga('send', 'event', 'time', 'tracking', 'seconds', count);
}, 5000);
Solution 3:
How about this?
var count = 0;
// increment "count" by 5 each time setInterval is run
ga('send', 'event', 'time', 'tracking', 'seconds', count);
}, 5000);
Solution 4:
Not sure if I gather this correctly, but we can do this like:
var count = 0,interval=5000;
// increment "count" by 5 each time setInterval is run
ga('send', 'event', 'time', 'tracking', 'seconds', count+interval);
}, interval);
In clear interval you can set count = 0 again.
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